How to order

1.Give us the instructions

Go to the user-friendly order page on our website. Provide us with as much information about the assignment you need to be done. You can also upload any related documents to your order. If you have extra large files to upload, you can easily send it via [email protected]. Once you have completed the order form, it is time to move to the next step.

2. Avail Payment

Once you have placed an order on any of our services, you will be able to see the various modes of online money transfer we offer. The simplest way to go about it is to click on the Paypal Payment badge and follow the prompts.

3. A suitably qualified writer gets to work on your order

As soon as we receive your order, our writers begin working on it. If we have any inquiries, we’ll always get in touch with you or if you have any queries you can voice them through our 24/7 available customer support. Our writer will spend the shortest time possible working on your order to ensure it is thoroughly researched and is set to earn high marks.

4. Download your completed order from our website

We will notify you via your personal order page as well as your email; when your work is finished. You can login into your personal order page to see all of your performed assignments. When a paper is delivered to you, it remains your sole property and will never be sold or re-used again. If you forget your password, contact our customer support or click the ‘Forgot Password‘ button. You will be instantly directed on how to change your new password.

5. Refer your friends

Tell your friends who are also struggling with academic writing about our service. When you refer clients to us, you may get 50-86% discount on your next order! Your friend will also get a 25% discount on their first order. When you have any problems, tell us- when you are happy with our work, tell your friends about it!

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